Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Color Annalysis and Its Lasting Effect on People Research - 550 Words

Color Annalysis and Its Lasting Effect on People (Coursework Sample) Content: Color AnalysisNameInstitutional AffiliationColor AnalysisWassily Kandinsky in the quote tried to explain the fact that colors have a lasting effect on people when they are able to touch their souls. For this to happen, a person must be able to have a certain experience or feeling that he attaches to the color, which will direct how he feels when he sees it. There are also some colors which over time, have been made to have a specified effect on the audience.The 1882 painting by Vincent van Gogh titled à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"The Starryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ is a good example for this explanation. The main colors used in the painting are blue and black (Cornelissen, 2013). Through time and influence of the media, people have taken this combination of colors to signify something dull or sad, especially considering the lines and patterns that have accompanied them in this particular painting. It also portrays disturbance.Use of color is quite important in the media as it helps to reach the target audience much faster. For instance, a brightly red-colored advertisement in a newspaper is likely to attract attention much faster than one in grey, because peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s minds have been tuned to believe red signifies danger...

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