Monday, December 30, 2019

My Reflection - 1023 Words

At this point in my researching I am feeling confident in my general idea. I like my topic and I think I can support it and supplement it with proper research. I am feeling very confident in my focus on my paper. I feel that I have a good focus on my paper and that I will be able to keep on topic during my paper. I am, however not very confident about my thesis. I know what my thesis needs to be about. I know what it needs to say. I just need to find the right way to say it. I have been thinking about how I want to write my thesis but so far it does not work well. It does not give the reader the â€Å"so what?† factor that I am looking for in my thesis. I am working on refining it to fit better. I do have a strong idea overall argument I am†¦show more content†¦I think my previous writing experience will help me while writing this paper as well as my recent experiences in other classes this semester. I have writing experience that has made mentally outlining the paper easier. I plan on making an actual outline for this research paper because it will be the longest writing project I have done and I feel that it would be helpful to have a detailed outline when I actually write the paper. I would compare my search for popular sources against my search for scholarly sources as harder. I was searching for popular sources through Google which led me to broad sources that were not as focused on my topic and caused me to have to look through many rather than when I searched for a scholarly source. Searching for a scholarly source was easier because of the filters I was able to apply to my search to narrow the results and have them be more focused on my topic. I am not sure which one will prove to be more helpful to me at the moment. Both searches gave me good material to work with that I can see myself utilizing in the future in my paper. I believe that my scholarly searches will most likely prove to be more helpful because they are more focused on my topic whereas my popular sources were more broad. In my experience with the databases it was at first very frustrating because I was still getting the hang of figuring out how to go about a search. As I got moreShow MoreRelatedReflection On My Views Of Feminism860 Words   |  4 PagesReflection does not come naturally to me. Full time work and school makes it a challenge to stop and reflect. However, I think it’s important to do, as it reminds me how vital it can be for growth and development in all aspects of life. Reflecting on my views of feminism consciously is a first for me, however, I now realize it’s something I’ve contemplated on a subconscious level. The first article I reviewed spoke, interestingly, from a male perspective in support of feminism for his own self establishmentRead MoreReflection On My First Year Of College801 Words   |  4 Pagesjourney one must go through in order to recognize the inner workings of one’s being. It is through reflection that one will become more self-aware of what potential problems could develop. I find myself disquieted with the complexity of honest reflection and revealing truths about myself that are uncomfortable in accepting. Question 2 invites reflection upon how I frequently regret transferring after my first year of college. I perpetually find myself questioning why I was unsuccessful. 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Yet in todays society, the typical view of a marriage is seen as either a fairy tale or ball and chain. However, after watching thisRead MoreAdolescent and Predictable and Unpredictable Elenents of This Transition and Associated Life-Stage1065 Words   |  5 PagesAbdallah. Ayda Critical Reflection Essay Introduction Within the context of nursing there has been a significant change in nursing in the last two decades, where nursing and medical knowledge has led to changes where patients can no longer stay in hospital and reduction in hospital beds. Professionals who are employed in the healthcare industry are dealing with acutely ill patients who are in more need of care (usher et al 2009). As professionals we must discover the nature that is offered to usRead MorePersonal Reflection And Development Plan1431 Words   |  6 PagesPersonal Reflection and Development Plan Reflective practice has helped many people to improve their learning. It is a valuable tool often used by healthcare and education providers to improve their approach to work by questioning their actions. Throughout my short time spent in Higher Education (HE) I have learned many new aspects of learning like different learning styles and models of reflection and this provides me with an opportunity to look back over these ideas and reflect. This will allowRead Morecomparing relevant theories principles and models of reflective practice965 Words   |  4 Pagesreflective practice and explain how they relate to my practice and development. Reflective practice is an evolving concept. In the 1930s, John Dewey defined reflective thought as: ‘Active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusions to which it tends.’ He set out five phases or aspects through which we can see a process of reflection. However using phrases such as phase and stage

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Childhood Obesity The Height Of Its Peak - 936 Words

Childhood obesity in America is at the height of its peak. Actions should be taken to ensure that kids maintain a healthy weight to prevent them from developing health problems in the future. If a solution is not set into place, then this problem will only get worse and worse each and every year. The first solution I will suggest is that we bring back physical education within schools. The second solution I propose is that we regulate fast-food commercials on any form of media that children are able to see. The first solution that I introduced, which is bringing back physical education within the school system is better the better of the two options, because of the cost to implement it, the number of children served, and the effectiveness of this particular solution. The cost to bring back physical education within schools and regulate fast-food commercials vary. The cost to reestablish PE among schools is costlier according to Brian Dakss in Obesity Up Phys Ed Down. Dakss remarks th at â€Å"To start a phys ed program costs a school approximately $500,000†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Dakss 1). It costs half a million dollars to implement such a program among the school system. Schools are constantly facing budget cuts each year, but the health of children is just as important as the education they receive. On the contrary solution, regulating fast-food commercials will be a battle between the government and the company’s lawyers. In the article Protecting Young People From Junk Food Advertising:Show MoreRelatedThe Birth Weight Of A Newborn1261 Words   |  6 Pagesweight, height, limb lengths and even the physical growth of internal organs. On average, the birth weight of a newborn will double by the time they reach six months old and triple at the end of their first year of life. While weight is steadily increasing there is also an expansion of the babies head and chest as internal organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs develop as well. (Infancy, 2016) On average the head of a newborn makes up about 25% of their total length, which is the height. This canRead MoreObesity : The Body Mass Index Essay1699 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Obesity can be defined as an abnormal increase in the proportion of fat cells, mainly in the viscera and subcutaneous tissues of the body (Mosby, 2010). The official medical measure of obesity is the body mass index (BMI), an index of an individual’s weight relative to height. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines obesity as having a BMI greater than or equal to 30 (World Health Organisation, 2015). New Zealand (NZ) ranks 3rd highest for obesity rates amongst OECD (OrganisationRead MoreThe Growth And Development Of The Human Skeleton Requires An Adequate Supply Of Many Different Nutritional Factors1199 Words   |  5 Pagesmay play in bone growth at intakes above those required to prevent classical deficiencies, particularly in relation to optimizing peak bone mass and minimizing osteoporosis risk. There is evidence to suggest that peak bone mass and later fracture risk are influenced by the pattern of growth in childhood and by nutritional exposures in utero, in infanc y and during childhood and adolescence. Of the individual nutrients, particular attention has been paid to Ca, vitamin D, protein and P. There has alsoRead MoreEssay on Americas New Look 2431 Words   |  10 Pagesâ€Å"Total costs for childhood obesity are estimated at eleven billion for children with private insurance and three billion for children with Medicaid (Mulheron, Joyal, Vonasek 13).† According to Centers for Disease and Prevention, childhood obesity is a medical condition in which weight significantly exceeds what is normal for age and height (Crothers, Kehle, Bray, Theodore 787). Childhood obesity is calculated according to a child’s body mass index. The formula used to calculate body mass indexRead MoreObesity : A Serious Problem Essay1849 Words   |  8 PagesObesity is a serious problem in the United States, it is also a rising issue affecting people of all ages and incomes. Overweight and obesity are words to describe having excess body fat. Obesit y or overweight status are determined by the measure of body mass index; BMI uses the calculation based the ratio of someone’s height and weight. Research has shown that BMI shows a good estimate of â€Å"fatness† and correlates well with important health outcomes like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and overallRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Big Problem For America2466 Words   |  10 Pages Childhood Obesity A â€Å"Big† Problem for America During the 1970’s, about 5% of American children between the ages of two and nineteen were considered to be â€Å"obese†. Over the past several decades, that percentage has risen to a whopping 17% - a change that is seemingly minute. It may only appear as a 12% increase, however, that 17% translates to 12.5 million children and teens burdened with the challenge of obesity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity is definedRead MoreThe s Four Stages Of Thought1052 Words   |  5 Pages Although good health is generally the norm in emerging adulthood, â€Å"low birthrate, under-nutrition in infancy and rapid weight gain in early childhood tend to result in shorter height, reduced body-functioning and higher risks of disease (Berger, 2014, p. 394). Fertility is still an optimal level as it always was, however families are being started almost a decade later than they used to. Emerging adults are riskier and have more accidents, however, due to their overall good healthy, they are usuallyRead MoreDescription Of The Bill, Sponsors And Fiscal Resolution2023 Words   |  9 PagesBill 1182 (2012) bans the sale of beverages that are less that 100% real vegetable or fruit juice, candy, gum, and any product that contains more than eight grams of fat per serving or more than 35% sugar or sweeteners. â€Å"This bill would combat childhood obesity by denying pupils access to calorie-dense junk food while school breakfasts and lunches are being served† (A. 1182, 2012). There was not a fiscal note included within the bill and upon contacting the Assemblywomen’s office, no information wasRead MoreObesity : A Global Problem3403 Words   |  14 Pages2005. At least 20 million children under the age of 5 years are overweight. Obesity of children in the United States has recently skyrocketed in the last decade. Obesity and weight gain have become a global problem, according to the World Health Organization. Encouraging children to maintain a healthy diet and fitness routine will help prevent obesity now and later on in life (Department of Health). The definition of obesity is having an excessive amount of body fat, according to andRead MoreKerala Government Nutritious Meal Programme Essay2080 Words   |  9 Pagesonset of puberty until full growth is reached. For most individuals, adolescence occurs between the ages of 12 and 20. It is second only to infancy in the nutritional requirements necessary for growth and development. The period of transition from childhood to adulthood is called adolescence with accelerated physical, biochemical and emotional development. It is during this period that the final growth spurt occurs. There are many body changes which result due to the influence of hormones. The growth

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Othello, the Moor of Venice Free Essays

Iago (Othellos ensign) uses love against Othello (general of the Venetian army) to cause him to experience jealousy. He not only utilizes the Moors love for Desdemona, but also his love for Iago and their friendship My lord, you know I love you(1. 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Othello, the Moor of Venice or any similar topic only for you Order Now 117) Funny enough, Iago gives warning to Othello of the very negative emotion that he hopes to inflict upon him! (1. 3. 166). Oh beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyd monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on The first time that Iagos plan is seen is (3. 3. 33). Iago: Ha! I like not that! Othello: What dost thou say Iago: Nothing my lord: or if-Know not what. Othello: Was not that Cassio parted from my wife Iago: Cassio, my lord! No, sure, I cannot think it, that would steal away so guilty-like, seeing you coming. He continues his manipulating of his friend (3. 3. 95). Iago: Did Michael Cassio, when you wood my lady, know of your love Othello: He did, from first too last: why dost thou ask Iago: But for a satisfaction of my thought; no further harm. Othello: Why of thy thought, Iago Iago: I did not think he had been aquatinted with her. Othello: O, yes; and went between us very oft. See how he makes it almost seem as though Othello discovered this out on his own and Iago seems as a mere friend when the find is made. Iagos true nature is seen at this point. Iago refers to himself as a devil, but to say that he is bad because he is bad doesnt explain why he is repeatedly explains himself to himself. Your honest friend is one who is always there for you and who will always tell you the truth. Iago has a reputation for honesty and uses it for dishonest purposes. His nature is ugly in the way that compares others to animals, especially when referring to their sexuality. Othello is a military man who is often looked at with respect in this category. However, when taken away from the military eye where he offers so much safety, he is constantly mentioned by his color in a degrading way. Brabantio, Desdemonas father uses Moor as a derogatory name for Othello, but Othello is called other things, including my lord and general.. After the first two scenes of the play, Othellos color is rarely mentioned, so we may forget that when the play is seen Othellos blackness always makes him different from everyone else. Reference to him as the Moor emphasized that difference, but it is emphasized in other ways, as well. He is strong and firm in character but also has a loving side where Desdemona ( Othellos wife, Brabantios daughter) comes into play. He came from a loving mother and father which was mentioned in the importance of the handkerchief In Shakespeares time obedience was though to be one of a womans primary values, and Desdemona thinks herself to be as obedient, but as in the case with her father, she seems to have her own interpretation of what that means. She is beautiful, both in body and spirit. Its not something she mentions, or even seems to be aware of, buy it affects how others treat her and think of her. Desdemona spends much of her time making a case, for herself, for Cassio, and finally for Othello. Iagos devilish character is seen throughout the play. Towards the end of scene two in which Iago brings about Cassios downfall, he persuades Cassio to appeal to Desdemona, and plans to make Othello believe that Caossio and Desdemona are having an affair. Then he says, By the mass, tis morning;Pleasure and action make the hours seem short (2. 3. 378-379). In other words, hes been having so much fun during his busy night, so the time has just flown by. In the last scene of the play, after Iagos treachery has been proven, Othello says to Lodovico, Will you, I pray, demand that demi-devilWhy he hath thus ensnared my soul and body (5. 2. 300-302). Iagos reply is famous. He says, Demand me nothing: what you know, you know:From this time forth I never will speak word. (5. 2. 303-304). Iago is ready and willing to explain himself to Othello,Roderigo, and to us. So then why does he choose to silence himself now Maybe he cant think of another lie. In the characterization of Othello, no one describes him best than his wife and unfortunate victim. In the Venetian Senate, Othello tells the story of how he and Desdemona fell in love. Brabantio urges that Othello used magic and drugs on Desdemona, and that she be brought to testify; he says to her, Do you perceive in all this noble companyWhere most you owe obedience (1. 3. 179-180). In reply, Desdemona affirms her duty to her father, who gave her life and education, but asserts that she has a higher duty to Othello, because he is her husband. She says, My noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty: To you I am bound for life and education; My life and education both do learn me how to respect you; you are the lord of duty; I am hitherto your daughter: but heres my husband, and so much duty as my mother showd to you, preferring you before her father, so much I challenge that I may profess due to the Moor, my lord. (1. 3. 180-189). Further in the act, she says, My hearts subdued even to the very quality of my lord: Saw Othellos visage in his mind, and to his honor and his valiant parts did I my soul and fortunes consecrate. 1. 3. 250-254). Subdued means in harmony with and Othellos quality is both his character and his profession as a warrior. Desdemona asserting that she is very much like her husband and belongs with him, even in war. She shows tat she understands and rejects the bigotry that is directed at him. A persons visage is his face, and she understands that most Europeans consider black to be ugly, but she saw past his face to his honor and courage, which she adores. Her charter is well described here as beautiful both inside and out. How to cite Othello, the Moor of Venice, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Music and the Impact on Youth in America Essay Example For Students

Music and the Impact on Youth in America Essay Music and the Impact on Youth in America Film: 8 Mile Florida International University Synopsis 8-Mile Film The film begins in the rugged streets of the 8-mile section of Detroit, Michigan. A young man by the name of Jimmy aspires to become a rapper. The odds are stacked against him because of the complexion of his skin as well as the fact that he is a By rigmarole 2 much since high school shows signs of frustration and as such blames others for his setbacks in life. Set against Detroit Hip-Hop scene in 1995, Jimmy struggles to find his voice. The people of Detroit know 8-mile Road as the citys perimeter. It is also a psychological dividing line between what it is urban and what it is suburban, between black and white, between where Jimmy is and where he wants to be. In Detroit, survival is key, and for many in 8-mile, the emotional life preserver is Hip-Hop music. In the absence of nurturing parents, Jimmy and his friends, the cool and the very charismatic Future, optimistic dreamer Sol, aspiring activist DC Z, and the slow but steady Cheddar Bob who shoots himself in the leg with his own gun, have created a circle of friendship, and unbreakable bond, their own family. Mine, 002) Jimmy and his crew which they call themselves (Three One Third), live on hopes of getting their big break while struggling to sustain a living at their everyday dead end Jobs. As the nightlife comes to life, Three One Third feed their dreams in the Hip-Hop clubs where the citys best rappers battle each other with abusive rhymes, slick words, and derogatory remarks that are wielded like weapons. In the rap ba ttles words are meant to wound and victory belongs to the quick-witted. No matter whom we are, no matter where we live, borders bind us all but its the music hat frees and connects us all. (Loving Hanson, 2002) Many of us are content to live within these bordersothers are simply forced to exist within them. For Jimmy, the end of simply being forced to exist comes to end as he shows his lyrical prowess by winning the rap battle against the big bad Free world. History of Hip-Hop Influence It has been almost 30 years since the introduction of Hip-Hop. Over time, Hip- Hops become immensely popular, not Just in America, but also worldwide. Hip-Hop has expanded itself into music, fashion, advertisement, movies, and more. Its given papers, and those associated with Hip-Hop the chance to branch out into other ventures and create their own brands, for example Bad-Boy Records and Sean John. Also, it has allowed them to bring Hip-Hop to other communities through organizations and fundraisers as well. As of today, Hip-Hop has become an international phenomenon that ranges from music to a lifestyle. Hip-Hop has gone through many evolutions that some people do not agree or identify with. It has impacted a lot of things in the world from fashion to politics. Hip-Hop music has been used as a means to create songs that deliver somewhat negatives messages such as ex, drugs, violence, and the degradation of women (The Message by Grandmaster Flash), police brutality (F**k the Police by NNW), poverty in America (Heard Me Say by Kenya West), and the degradation of women (Wonder Why They Call You B*tech by OPAC) etc. Change Cool Here, 2005) But Hip-Hop has also been used to advocate more positive messages about being whatever you want to be (l Can by Nas), a father son relationship (Just the Two of Us by Will Smith), HIVE/AIDS awareness (Lets Talk About Sex by Salt-n-Peep), poverty and how women should be treated (Keep Yea Head Up by OPAC) etc. Overall, Hip-Hop has had its share of praise and scrutiny. The Hip-Hop economy increases at an astonishing rate. Hip-Hop is, according to Forbes, an industry that garners 10 billion dollars a year. Advertisers see rappers as an generation. It is reported by the NYPD Group, that more than 50% of people who purchase Hip-Hop albums are either teens or in their early ass. (Lealer, 2005) Young fans gravitate towards the images that they see of the Hip-Hop lifestyle, the cars, jewelry, expensive clothing, etc. For that reason, when seeing a rapper associated tit a particular brand, they are more inclined to buy a certain item in order to be a part of that lifestyle. For example, when Busts Rhymes, Pass the Couriers Part Two was released, sales for Couriers cognac increased. Guide Music Appreciation EssayRap music has changed since then as the industry has not wanted to commit the same mistakes. In a class of 1 lath graders at my school, I inquired on whether they felt that Hip- Hop has been a positive influence in their lives. In order to understand their answers, one must understand their background. The school is located in Hialeah, where most families are from the poor class. Most students are of Hispanic origin and African American origin. The class was divided in terms of whether Hip-Hop had a positive influence or negative influence. Students in my class stated that Hip-Hop expresses knowledge is power and as such they must empower themselves and educate themselves in order to make a mark in this world. Take into account when Kenya West came out to the rap world ND stated that he had dropped out of college and as such named one of his albums College Dropout. The students in my class stated that education is no longer the traditional idea of going to a college or university. They felt that education could be on the Job training, street knowledge, and life lessons. The idea of education is no longer the gauge for measuring who is and who is not successful. This example to me was a bit contradicting because even though I agree that knowledge can be acquired in many different ways, the Jobs on the global market require these degrees that come from the traditional university setting. The second point they stressed was that Hip-Hop has taught kids from a poor socio-economic background to deliver their creativity not through the usual means of art, poetry, and painting, but through the use of instruments, a beat, and quick-witted word play. The negative influence according to students was that Hip-Hop and its lyrics serve as a distraction from their real world. This makes me understand that the stance that rappers take with regards to their lyrics and their bragging of what they have, what they can buy, the women they can get and sleep with, drinking, and drug buses distorts certain realities for these young minds in America. Much like the movie we saw in class Regeneration, as much as these students enjoy Hip-Hop music they have become apathetic towards that lifestyle because of the fact that they see it as something that might be unattainable. Another point a student made is that Hip-Hop in its purest form is not what Hip-Hop is today. The student called it have, buy, attain, and do. He stated that when Hip-Hop started it had more substance in the sense that they spoke about things that were important in the community. However, little by little, this form of rhyming found its way into the rap game and thats the music thats being delivered to Americas youth. Very few lyricists today within their lyrics talk about societal issues. The young ladies in my class came up with the next negative influence that Hip-Hop has had with regards to women. They were hesitant at first to share, but I made it an open forum, and soon they began sharing their views on Hip-Hop and young women. The young ladies stated that certain rappers, in their lyrics and music videos, degraded them as hoes, sluts, and other derogatory terms. These young ladies were highly insulted in the sense that they felt not all girls want to be groupies or video vixens. The conversation got much better with the next statement! One of the girls stated that how can they compete with the girls in those videos when their body types are not even close to looking like those girls. These rappers are making it so that they have to have certain measurements in order to be attractive and/or meet certain standards. Rappers are painting an unrealistic picture of what true beauty is, and its unfair to them to have to live to those kinds of expectations. This is a universal hem in America that certain body types are the pictures perfect view of what beauty is and these young ladies feel as if it is an unrealistic goal to look like them.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Underlying assumptions of intelligence tests Essay Example

Underlying assumptions of intelligence tests Essay How can intelligence be tested? Critically evaluate the underlying assumptions of intelligence tests. Intelligence is a very controversial. It is seen as an obsession in daily life and focuses on certain types of intelligence. Francis Galton was the first person to design a mental test. Galton believed that an individuals mental ability could be determined through the deviation of their performance on a simple test to the mean. He believed that the greater a persons sensory perception the more intelligence they had. However, Galton never produced a theory about intelligence testing, but paved the way for other psychologists to produce theories and tests.Spearmans (1904) theory suggested that intelligence was an innate, inherited quality. He suggested that there were two main factors that determined a persons intelligence; these were general intelligence, needed to perform all tasks and specific intelligence, which is needed to perform specific tasks .i.e., most people can drink out of some sort of cup, this needs general intelligence, however, not all people can sing in tune, this is specific intelligence.Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon (Simon and Binet, 1905) produced the first form of modern intelligence testing in 1905. We will write a custom essay sample on Underlying assumptions of intelligence tests specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Underlying assumptions of intelligence tests specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Underlying assumptions of intelligence tests specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The test had a practical purpose and was used to identify children who may need extra help with their school work. Due to the purpose of the test, the exercises Binet and Simon asked the children to complete were very similar to tasks the children completed within schools, i.e. measures of vocabulary, comprehension of facts and relationships and mathematical and verbal reasoning.The Binet Simon test was later modified and extended by Lewis Terman and his associates at Stanford University where it was translated for use in the United States (Terman 1916, Terman and Merrill, 1937). The test became known as the Stanford-Binet test and is still being used referred to as Intelligence Quotient; (I.Q). the I.Q. score was calculated by comparing the childs chronological age, (which means their age is years and months), with their mental age (which refers to the childs ability to solve problems of certain levels.) i.e if a child could answer questions designed for 8 year olds, but not them designed for 9 year olds, the child would have a mental age of 8.The I.Q test that is now most commonly used is know n as the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for children, or the WISC. The most frequently used test used by psychologists is the third revision of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales known as the WISC-III. David Wechsler originally developed the test, which was series of ten different problems that ranged from very easy to extremely difficult; these ten problems were also divided into two subgroups.The verbal scale that involved tasks measuring vocabulary, understanding of similarities between objects and general knowledge. The other subgroup was the performance scale, which involved non-verbal tasks such as arranging pictures in to orders, or copying patterns using coloured blocks. Many psychologists find that this definition of verbal and non-verbal tasks helpful as different between the two skills can identify particular kinds of learning difficulties, i.e. dyslexia.However, ever since the I.Q tests were introduced there have been criticisms about them. Before 1937, the mean score of wom en using the Stanford-Binet test was on average ten points lower than the average score for men. Although at first it was generally suggested that this was because women were not as intelligent as men, it was later suggested that the questions were more directed towards male dominated areas of questioning than women, for example relating questions in terms of cars, card games, mechanics, etc. which at the time was made oriented. Therefore, it was decided to eliminate this discrepancy by modifying the questions to ensure that both males and females would archive around the same average score.According to Heather, (1976) this makes the test less efficient because there may be a natural difference between the intelligence levels of men and women through out different points of history, however, by using the new these differences may not be picked up. For example if the I.Q scores were not created to produce approximately the same scores for both males and females we may be able to see why females are currently doing better academically than males.Therefore, this could limit the efficiency of I.Q testing through either historically suggesting that women were inferior to men through their lower I.Q. scores, or through influencing the tests to create equal results for both males and females. It is difficult to say whether the tests were gender bias or whether the psychologists behind the changes to the tests did this to provide unbiased results through positive discrimination towards women.Another criticism of the I.Q. tests that there is an average 10-15 point difference between the White European average and the Afro- Caribbean average, (Brody, (1992) Fagan Singer (1983) Peoples, Fagan Drotar, 1995); (Neisser et al 1996) Heather, (1976) suggests that this difference can be reduced through changing the questions to suit a more mixed ethnic group of participants. However, it was suggested that this would affect the tests Predictive Validity. By changing the tests to reduce the racial differences, but without changing the social inequalities within our society would only create a more ineffective test. In order to reduce the ethnic I.Q. score difference, society must first change their attitudes towards other cultures, especially within education/ training and jobs.How ever, Jensen, (1969) published an article called How much can we boost I.Q. and schooling achievement? within which he made a controversial suggestion that Genetic factors are strongly implicated in the average negro-white intelligence differences. The preponderance of the evidence is, in my opinion, less consistent with a strictly environmental hypothesis than with a genetic hypothesisOther psychologists including Eysenck (1971) and Herrnstein (1971) agree with Jensn. Jensen suggests that 80% of the difference between blacks and whites is due to the blacks genetic inferiority and 20% due to environmental factors. However, Jensen does not have the biological evidence to back up his claim; he also used a bias sample to carry out his study that was a mainly white population.

Monday, November 25, 2019

E.E. Cummings Essays - Guggenheim Fellows, La, E. E. Cummings

E.E. Cummings Essays - Guggenheim Fellows, La, E. E. Cummings E.E. Cummings The Poetry of E. E. Cummings E. E. Cummings, who was born in 1894 and died in 1962, wrote many poems with unconventional punctuation and capitalization, and unusual line, word, and even letter placements - namely, ideograms. Cummings' most difficult form of prose is probably the ideogram; it is extremely terse and it combines both visual and auditory elements. There may be sounds or characters on the page that cannot be verbalized or cannot convey the same message if pronounced and not read. Four of Cummings' poems - l(a, mortals), !blac, and swi( - illustrate the ideogram form quite well. Cummings utilizes unique syntax in these poems in order to convey messages visually as well as verbally. Although one may think of l(a as a poem of sadness and loneliness, Cummings probably did not intend that. This poem is about individuality - oneness (Kid 200-1). The theme of oneness can be derived from the numerous instances and forms of the number '1' throughout the poem. First, 'l(a' contains both the number 1 and the singular indefinite article, 'a'; the second line contains the French singular definite article, 'le'; 'll' on the fifth line represents two ones; 'one' on the 7th line spells the number out; the 8th line, 'l', isolates the number; and 'iness', the last line, can mean the state of being I - that is, individuality - or oneness, deriving the one from the lowercase roman numeral 'i' (200). Cummings could have simplified this poem drastically (a leaf falls:/loneliness), and still conveyed the same verbal message, but he has altered the normal syntax in order that each line should show a 'one' and highlight the theme of oneness. In fact, the whole poem is shaped like a '1' (200). The shape of the poem can also be seen as the path of a falling leaf; the poem drifts down, flipping and altering pairs of letters like a falling leaf gliding, back and forth, down to the ground. The beginning 'l(a' changes to 'le', and 'af' flips to 'fa'. 'll' indicates a quick drop of the leaf, which has slowed by a longer line, 'one'. Finally, the leaf falls into the pile of fallen leaves on the ground, represented by 'iness'. Cummings has written this poem so perfectly that every part of it conveys the message of oneness and individuality (200). In mortals), Cummings vitalizes a trapeze act on paper. Oddly enough, this poem, too, stresses the idea of individualism, or 'eachness', as it is stated on line four. Lines 2 and 4, 'climbi' and 'begi', both end leaving the letter 'i' exposed. This is a sign that Cummings is trying to emphasize the concept of self-importance (Tri 36). This poem is an amusing one, as it shows the effects of a trapeze act within the arrangement of the words. On line 10, the space in the word 'open ing' indicates the act beginning, and the empty, static moment before it has fully begun. 'of speeds of' and '&meet&', lines 8 and 12 respectively, show a sort of back-and-forth motion, much like that of the motion of a trapeze swinging. Lines 12 through 15 show the final jump off the trapeze, and 'a/n/d' on lines 17 through 19, represent the deserted trapeze, after the acrobats have dismounted. Finally, '(im' on the last line should bring the reader's eyes back to the top of the poem, where he finds 'mortals)'. Placing '(im' at the end of the poem shows that the performers attain a special type of immortality for risking their lives to create a show of beauty, they attain a special type of immortality (36-7). The circularity of the poem causes a feeling of wholeness or completeness, and may represent the Circle of Life, eternal motion (Fri 26). Cummings first tightly written ideogram was !blac, a very interesting poem. It starts with '!', which seems to be saying that something deserving that exclamation point occurred anterior to the poem, and the poem is trying objectively to describe certain feelings resulting from '!'. black against white is an example of such a description in the poem; the clashing colors create a feeling in sync with '!'. Also, why (whi) suggests amusement and wonder, another feeling resulting from '!'

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Managing small and Medium Enterprises Year 3 Essay

Managing small and Medium Enterprises Year 3 - Essay Example ABC Toys is now penchant to expand business to four major Australian cities named Sydney (city of 4.6 million residents), Melbourne (city of 4 million residents), Perth (city of 1.7 million residents) and Adelaide (city of 1.2 million residents). The company knows that there are more than 2.9 million 65-years old and above citizens across Australia (CIA Fact Book, 2010), whereas the population of senior citizens is much higher if company includes citizens of 55-years and above. For instance, the individualistic cultural values in Australia have sidelined old citizens who are normally sent to old and elder care houses or community centres. Whereas, a large majority of those who live with their families do not receive sufficient attention due to busy working life of family members (BJ, 1993) ; (Parson, 1993) ; (McIntosh & Phillip, 2003). Therefore, there is immense potential in expanding business of senior citizens’ toys, instruments and games across Australia. Policy-makers have expressed the importance and benefits of market development, thereby forecasted first year sales (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012) from all operations will be between $0.3 million in Sydney, $0.3 million in Melbourne (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013), $0.2 million in Perth (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014) and $0.2 million in Adelaide (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014). The company has planned to inaugurate 3 outlets (one after another) in Sydney followed by opening of 3 outlets (one-by-one) in Melbourne besides distribution operations; while 2 outlets will be opened in Perth and Adelaide each. However, the success of first outlet is a prerequisite for opening new stores in these new markets. ABC Toys (hypothetical), which was inaugurated in 2006 masters in production and selling of toys, activity games and instruments for infants (6 months – 3 years), tweens (3 - 12 years), teens (12 – 16 years) and senior citizens (65

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Team Work Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Team Work - Research Paper Example Individuals often come together to formulate groups of different types and sizes. However, these groups are not necessarily considered a team. A team includes a group of individuals working with each other in order to fulfill a common objective or goal (Carter, Bishop, and Kravits, 2012). In the current context, most activities are accomplished by teams. Large companies often formulate project teams, assigning these to different parts of the world. Smaller organizations also use teams in order to guarantee that their products as well as services are doing well competitively. Professors in universities develop curriculums as teams, working with not just other professors, but with counselors and administrators as well. The main advantage to teamwork is the fact that the skills, knowledge, resources, and abilities of various individuals can be combined in order to accomplish a task (Carter,, 2012). Tasks often require the expertise or knowledge of various individuals in order to produce effective and quality results, teams can secure such quality. Collaboration is the primary element of teamwork. Even where project teams are not big enough, collaboration is still important. Collaboration is about working effectively alongside other individuals in order to secure common goals. It requires different variables, including trust, honesty, respect, and openness (Xiao, Parker, and Manser, 2013). This would mean that the members of the team are honest with each other, telling the truth even if such truths would not be favorable to the team. The members of the team would work with a high level of comfort with each other, allowing members to participate in the problem-solving activities and in managing obstacles (Xiao,, 2013). Openness would also indicate that members of the team would be able to easily say what they want to say to the other

Monday, November 18, 2019

Operation management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Operation management - Essay Example Slack and Lewis (2008) identified three basic verticals for companies such as finance, marketing and operations while finance and marketing activities have close linkage to operation management Slack & Lewis (2008, p. 4) defined operation management as â€Å"it is the management of systems or processes that create goods and/or provide services.† Consideration of research works of Slack, Chambers & Johnston (2007) and Hsu & Tang (2010) reveals the fact that operation management has close linkage with supply chain activities. Slack, Chambers & Johnston (2007) defined supply chain management as the sequence of activities in order to supply resources throughout every phases of value chain. As part of synchronization of supply chain activities and operation management activities; facilities, functions and activities are being used. Facilities- warehouses, processing centres, offices, factories, distribution centres and retail outlets are the place where operations are took place (S lack, 2004). Functions and activities- operation management is collective act and not only operation manager but also supply chain partners and workers play vital role in performing activities like delivery of the resources or final output to facilities, inventory management, customer service, scheduling of operational activities, information management, forecasting of future demand, purchasing of material, designing new product, quality assurance testing etc (Slack, 2004). While describing nature of operation management in context to manufacturing sector, Slack (2004) and Slack & Lewis (2008) used the following model. Figure 1: Operation Model (Source: Slack & Lewis, 2008) According to the above model, operation management is backed by three strategic verticals such as resources, capabilities of the firm and process that will be deployed in manufacturing new product or processing a service. As part of resources; equipments, financial capital, staff, sourcing from suppliers and tech nologies is being used in operation management. As part of capabilities of the firm; application of state of art technology, quantitative formulation of process and process diagrams are being used by operation managers and respective staff members. As part of process; job design, movement of goods in the facilities, process design, new product concept design, new product development etc are being used as part of operation management. So, what is the role or types of activities that operations managers are involved in operation management? Answering the question is not simple because types of activities of operation manager differ significantly with the change in nature of business for organizations. For example, operational activities of operations managers in manufacturing plan cannot be same operational activities in bank. However, some basic activities of operations manager for manufacturing facilities can be identified as, 1- managing the resources that are being used in differe nt phases of manufacturing, 2- developing and adjusting production schedule, 3- monitoring and controlling quality in

Friday, November 15, 2019

P.E.S.T analysis of social media marketing

P.E.S.T analysis of social media marketing In order to analysis the macro environmental challenges that could influence social media marketing, the research conducted by keynote will be applied. Amongst the economic factors influencing social media marketing is the digitial economy act developed in 2010. This was designed as an attempt to control illegal sharing of files. Since, social networking sties easily enable users to share and broadcast content, many users have made attempts of claiming copyright. Regulations Last year, an amendment, covering every means of online marketing communications, was made in extension to the regulatory framework which already covers online advertisements. The intention behind this is to ensure Economic factors A number of factors have had an impact on the increased investment in social media in terms of marketing. One major factor consists of the economic crisis having decreased budget for traditional marketing channels. Another factor is comprised of increasing growth and popularity of social networking. This has led marketers to engage with their audience through social media. A further challenge is imposed by the excessive investment in social networking companies as dependence on advertising may be influenced by the current economic crisis. Social factors The social media being highly dependent on the existing trends in consumers preferences, there is a great risk of those users switching their preferences. An example of such is the change from MySpace to Facebook. Technological factors As social networking has become an integrated part of online experience in terms of search as well as integrated digital marketing with regards to advertising, users may seek solutions and assistance Task2. Media reporting -the influence of social media marketing The included reports shed light on the rapid growth and trends in social media marketing, and propose unprecedented ways whereby organizations can exploit the existing trends of social media and mark their presence. Marketers Mine Facebook, Twiiter Posts to Duck Brand Snafus The author suggest that rather than aiming to generate impressions amongst audience members, an organization should exert positive and convincing influence on social webs citizens. Subsequently, these users will spread the message to other people. This is also recognized as word of mouth marketing (Flinn, 2010). Conversely, the author further argues that poor management of online marketing can backfire and generate negative consequence which will spread online. Thus, it can be argued that importance of word of mouth and viral marketing are likely to increase which is why investment in these tools are necessarily. In particular, Word of Mouth management is needed in order to avoid negative referrals that could damage a given companies reputation or image. Additionally, it is suggested that an online presence can help companies avoid product disasters. Also, it is argued that Facebook, Twitter and blogs are adequate tools that can enable companies to get an insight in the consumers thi nking process. Social media are changing the rules for business This report suggests the increasing usage of social media marketing can assist companies to build their brand, expand their target reach and relationship to their customers. This report further argues that organizations reputations are being constantly formed and a company may risk losing their customer based on social network sites. Hence, it could be argued that Social Media Marketing should be integrated in the overall communication plan. Additionally, it is suggest that companies who do not adopt social media marketing and rely on traditional means of marketing may risk losing or damaging their image. Therefore, it is suggested that they might as well take part and make themselves visible. Furthermore, the report suggest that online media enables companies to involve their customers in creating new products or services through their feedback. Task 2. Personal SWOT analysis Task 4. Remaning flexible Dear Peter, Please find enclosed a proposal of my request for telecommute. As you may notice, this issue is of crucial importance for me. I hope you will welcome my ideas of establishing a balance between what could prove beneficiary for the department as well as enabling me to deal with my personal issues. I would request for a 60-day trial period, with the possibility of mid-way evaluation after the first month and at the end of the period to assess the functionality. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. Thank for taking my request into consideration. Work from Home Proposal I have been employed at FDM for 2 years and I am very devoted to the quality of my work. Lately, I have been finding it extremely difficult to cope with some family issues, which have been intensified as a result of my full-time work. In addition, my commute time of 90 minutes from Holbaek makes it difficult for me to address the needs of my family issues. Therefore, I would like to request for two days, where I can work from home. Having reviewed the other teams attendance in the department, Fridays and Mondays, would be appropriate. I believe that my productivity will increase, as I no longer have to commute, which will improve my performance. This will also mean that you do not need to pay for commuting expenses. In addition, this will contribute to my job satisfaction as I will find a balance between my job and family. I will have my laptop and phone nearby so I can be easily reached. I would like to discuss my proposal in further detail and address any potential concerns that you may have. I understand that due to your responsibility of the organization, you must determine whether or not this is appropriate in terms of achieving the goals for the office. As most of my responsibilities require working with online activities my telecommuting is less likely to make the quality of work suffer. The following represent potential impact of my telecommuting on the department and may entail the following: Issue: The departments development and implementation of communication strategy may require additional Solution: I will keep John updated with my suggestions and ask him to send me the brief of strategies that have been discussed in the department Issue: Management of social media communities Solution: This would require online presence, which is less likely to be an issue Issue: Producing reports on online activities; feedback, key issues, insights and trends Solution: I would like to ask Helen if she is willing to assist me with this while I do her parts of the online activities. Issue: Identify online threats and opportunities surrounding the brand Solution: I spent 20% of my time on assessing the threats and opportunities. If you decide that Helen would be an appropriate person to handle the feedbacks, I believe she would be capable of handling this in addition to her duties. Task. 5 Making a positive impression on potential employers Online Marketing Assistant Marketing Communications Assistant International Online Marketing Social Media Guru I am currently eligibile for the above listed positions, which can be attributed to the fact that I do not have adequate work experience within social media marketing, which is why I would be eligible for positions such as online and offline marketing assistant, Marketing Communications Assistant or International Online Marketing Social Media Guru. Social media manager-future goal In order to be qualified for the this position, an experience of 3-4 years is essential. I believe that the most adequate way of gaining the experience is through an apprenticeship which can give me an insight into how social media manager deals with various tasks and how they enable small business gain a competitive advantage by building their unique image through social media. While gaining the experience I aim to develop my skills in terms of developing and enhancing my network, management, . Help people promote themselves through varius social media plat forms such as: Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin. Gain competencies that can help me assist plans for small business and how they rather than investing in traditional means of promoting. In demand job due to the current credit crunch and the increasing popularity of social media. What I can contribute with is my experience and knowledge This can also be identified as marketing strategy that I blieve that building your career is a matter of timing and right now is the perfect timing for building a career within social media. I believe I can achieve this position not only on the basis of my degree in Marketing but also my bachelors degree in Internatinal communications. Moodboard description The moodboard represents how I perceive myself and my future goals. Firstly, I have used an eagle as to me it represents independency, determination and leadership. The clock resents my punctuality and the importance of timing. Flexibility is one of the key words which describe my personality. The fly on the bike: I believe almost any goal is achievable if one possess will power and determination. Teamwork: The golden guy represents teamwork and The woman running towards the arrows, represents my willingness of going against the odds. The house in the middle of the sea: represents doing what may appear impossible. The gold picture symbolizes my will to achieve the results by motivating others and being a teamplayers.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Plot Analysis Of Conspiracy Th :: essays research papers

The Conspiracy Theory is a movie that can wake you up to a very likely and harsh reality. Main character Jerry, author and sole producer of a monthly tabloid about theories on conspiracies soon begins to remember a hidden and forgotten past. The most captivating part of Conspiracy Theory is how the character’s past and present interact to contribute to the plot, and their futures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The tragic pasts of the 3 main characters help define the plot. Jerry was once a test subject for governmental experiments. Jodas, head of these experiments, tried to learn how to turn an everyday person into a brutal killer. Jerry soon became Jodas’ personal tool of destruction, and Jerry was told to kill a judge who was sure to put Jodas in jail. Jerry was given a chance to kill him, but his human conscience proved to still live on, the judge soon took Jerry under his wing. That judge was later killed by another one of Jodas’ men. With the judge’s final words, he begged Jerry to protect his one and only daughter, Alice. Our three main characters are now destine for a major confrontation years later.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main plot is laid out by the events of the present. Several years later, Jerry drives his cab as he’s done every day since the shooting, until he zones out and has a flashback of his past. One soon finds out that Jerry is very paranoid about the government and he questions everything about it. Jodas catches up to Jerry and tries to imprison him. Alice then finds that Jodas is one of Jerry’s newsletter subscribers and has a meeting with him. Jodas then convinces Alice that Jerry killed her father; now Jerry is about to be set up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plot is concluded with a promise to the character’s futures. Jerry then asks Alice to meet him, and they return to the place where her father died. Jerry then confesses to Alice that he did not kill her father. After much deliberation, Alice believes Jerry; and just on time for Jodas’ return. Jodas captures Jerry and Alice barely gets away with the mere stroke of luck. Jerry is then imprisoned and injected with fluid that will convince his mind that he did everything. Plot Analysis Of Conspiracy Th :: essays research papers The Conspiracy Theory is a movie that can wake you up to a very likely and harsh reality. Main character Jerry, author and sole producer of a monthly tabloid about theories on conspiracies soon begins to remember a hidden and forgotten past. The most captivating part of Conspiracy Theory is how the character’s past and present interact to contribute to the plot, and their futures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The tragic pasts of the 3 main characters help define the plot. Jerry was once a test subject for governmental experiments. Jodas, head of these experiments, tried to learn how to turn an everyday person into a brutal killer. Jerry soon became Jodas’ personal tool of destruction, and Jerry was told to kill a judge who was sure to put Jodas in jail. Jerry was given a chance to kill him, but his human conscience proved to still live on, the judge soon took Jerry under his wing. That judge was later killed by another one of Jodas’ men. With the judge’s final words, he begged Jerry to protect his one and only daughter, Alice. Our three main characters are now destine for a major confrontation years later.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main plot is laid out by the events of the present. Several years later, Jerry drives his cab as he’s done every day since the shooting, until he zones out and has a flashback of his past. One soon finds out that Jerry is very paranoid about the government and he questions everything about it. Jodas catches up to Jerry and tries to imprison him. Alice then finds that Jodas is one of Jerry’s newsletter subscribers and has a meeting with him. Jodas then convinces Alice that Jerry killed her father; now Jerry is about to be set up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plot is concluded with a promise to the character’s futures. Jerry then asks Alice to meet him, and they return to the place where her father died. Jerry then confesses to Alice that he did not kill her father. After much deliberation, Alice believes Jerry; and just on time for Jodas’ return. Jodas captures Jerry and Alice barely gets away with the mere stroke of luck. Jerry is then imprisoned and injected with fluid that will convince his mind that he did everything.